Wednesday 21 January 2009

2nd year's thought

Honestly, have you ever thought that you had chosen the wrong course? Are you envious ? " I wish to be like him/her because he/her did the right choice of studying what they like?"... hmm.. what about if I could make a decision again?

....Random thoughts.

In primary school,
Chinese primary school is nightmare for every student I guess. Its stressful for a kid, who should be growing up in their lovely wonderland, but... just for that UPSR, we had the longest class time. The longest class hours I ever had in life, especially 全日制 some sort of whole day system. We had to study from morning 7.45am till 5 or 6 pm, 4 days a week.... Wtf is that.
Worst still is the cruelty, children now are so lucky because they wont have it now. We got punished not because we are naughty, but we were not perfect in our practices.
Practice makes perfect, but canning makes practice perfect! That is those sort of character we were shaped, and those characters we carried with us...Well I brought it to secondary school; to university now. I am still a perfectionist, those who don't favour to accept people's idea.. I believe that if I work hard enough, I could accomplish without needing to rely on others. Academic wise this is like the "ISO certified mind", I never fail to express this strong stubborn character. Not too bad, this had brought me so far, so good.

I can clearly remember the tone sounded from Cikgu Koh (our malay teacher in primary 6B): "Siapa salah?!"
Guess what, a number of student would stood up, and she went around the desks, delivering a powerful whip of rattan strike, hopefully the pain and fear will make sure for life you wont do the same mistake again. This was the story: while we were doing past UPSR year papers, she would discuss the questions and answers 1 by 1. We were marking our friends paper. So whoever who did a mistake in a similar question that were taught before, we got punished. Phew, I remembered there was this time, I was too tired to study my spelling and fell asleep on my bed, and I got only 3 out of 10. Then 7 hard strokes came on my left palm. I had a blue black, numb and swollen palm for 2 weeks. I didnt dare to tell my mum or dad about it. I kept my palm hidden or in my pocket all the time.....

In secondary school,
Self motivation was needed. During form 5, really thought SPM would be everything.
Its like after achieve good results, I can get scholarship or get good good future plans, which I would have to worry after that whether I get distinction or not. Exams wouldnt be scary and stressful after that. I just need to pass everything and thats all.

Together with my good gang of friends, we mug and compete to nerd even more... (seriously, SPM was the only time that I studied the hardest). It turn out not bad, and so what? It didnt really seperate and grade us well enough to get us what we wanted. Disappointed and ok I was wrong.

In A levels,
"Ok, this is really the final final 1. Study hard to get into university and course you wanted, and that's it! Time to relax and pass the exams. Life after would be so much easier because I would be doing what I am interested in isn't it? Dont have to force my mind to memorise every single word in the Sejarah text book, no idiotic moral subject or EST... Its just like you are free to do what you like, listen to subjects that even you dont go lectures you would read up urself in wiki."

Well, study study study for A levels, trust my thoughts for 1 last time .....and poof!!

"OMG... Why am I studying this? Its just feels like SPM where we were forced to study this subject because it is part of the course, part of what we had to go through to get to higher education." I choose this ! wth ?? Did I really choose this?

Main topic of the day, how do you define your university education?

The formal kind of university defination... (when I say formal, I mean this was the kind of thought of parents, people around me, even I myself had this mentality up till A levels and the time I choose my course) :

-University is the time you choose your career.
-Choose WISELY, think twice because its gonna be your lifetime dealing with this (whatever you specialise in university)
-Its final and completion of your sweat and stressful education journey. Without university degree, you surely wouldnt worth a single bit in working society.

I believed that most of us "regretted that choice" in university. You might think of what would that course be like... (visualising yourself sitting in the theatres, looking at the slides randomly generated from your cerebral cortices...) Then when you get in, you get some greatest shocks of life to find that its totally different from expected, even more as you progress through the years.

Definately, these were my past experience. Refused to convince myself that I did a wrong choice, I came up with my version of philosphy, a thousand reasons why I am lucky that I ended up here. despite the f**cki*g truth that I went to a shit gay college with gay course

I realised that , you dont and most of the people dont, have to go for a lifetime career which revolves around what your degree. Its always easier said than to have this concept implanted into your mind. Say for example, you study medicine or engineering. I wouldn't want to spend rest of my life till age 50-60 by going to the engineering firm/clinic every weekday morning and come home in the evening.

The fact is, in our famous amous Engineering college here, most students actually intend to go into investment banking after graduation. Degree is just their platform or passport to go to banking. Ironically, when there is a career fair, we (as bioengineers) would be rejected by 100 of engineering firms, and always welcomed by banks and investment companies and even law firms.

Now, me defination for university has completely changed. It is my higher education, a must in my life. I dont or never relate my degree with my work or worst still incomes. What ever I learn will be my knowledge. Its essential for me to pick up knowledge in various disciplines. Thats why I never complain to study some boring modules. University is a maturation state of education life. This is where passion, enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge can be seeked. Nobody forces you to study in university, nobody stops you from being successful in life for not going to university. However, wouldnt you think that its a waste in life not to go for a higher challenge than giving excuses of why you cant achieve better?

So how about change of course?? Nah! I still reckon ts made a bold decision of changing from pharmacy to business and economics. He sacrificed time and money to study what he is interested in. I would like to do biology if I had to choose again. We shouldn't care what people say right? What course is shitty, no jobs, no good future.... all nonsense!! I do what I do and I follow my passion.

ts: " Which 1 should I choose? Australian based or UK based?"
me:"Which 1 harder? Go for that one!!"
ts:"That is always u"

CNY is round the corner. From a person who cant celebrate cny, I wish everyone a happy, prosperous and productive bull year ahead!!


Anonymous said...

good!i like the is just a place for u to seek for more knowledge..nth to do with ur career..
anyway..i seriously like every single subject that im taking now..does tat mean tat i din choose a wrong course? even if my career has nth to do with wat im studying still enjoying wat im studying!but i think my future must have something to do with wat im all..

vY said...

I would prefer to use the word learn. Out future will of course consists of something we learnt... or learn more while we progress.

N totally agree that u like your course but not necessarily its the correct course. I dont like my course now, but i think I choose a right course.

NTS said...

University is a mini society 2 get knowledge n a passport 2 enter d big society. Wat u experienced n learnt in uni will shape ur characteristic in d workforce. N dat will determine ur result but not d passport. Happy chinese new year ya, Vy! Really hope we can bai nian 2gether. =)

DrTofu said...

i like all my subjects, partly la, but, for my fav thing, i think i can brave through it la...go for what you like, disregarding what ppl say. that, is the biggest satisfaction. =) happy cny man